
Diamond technologies: Customer focused innovation

DD Technologies is the breeding ground of the DD Group where innovative projects and new products are created. Our current business units are grown into mature product groups thanks to the intensive development and cooperation between DD Technologies and customers.

Technologies has a strong R&D character and acts in multidisciplinary and international consortiums. One of the main goals is, with respect to intellectual property, to share experience and knowledge, resulting in unique solutions with diamond as the base material. Working together with us provides you access to the latest developments and processing techniques in diamond materials.

Engineers of all involved companies play significant roles in the development of our common new products. The DD Group is configured as a flat organization to ensure short communication lines, what benefits the timeline of the project.

We dare you to think outside the box and invite you to contact us and discover the possibilities for your application or ideas.

Highly qualified and professional personnel are important for any business. However, for the DD-Team this is a way of living and the very foundation of our existence. The high technical skills and the superior level of our staff are its strongest offering to our clients when facing new designs, offering new diamond grades and solving customers’ problems. Proven: the abilities and the innovative ideas of our engineers mixed with the properties of our diamonds have elevated our customers to a superior position in their marketplaces.

The roles in our engineering and development departments are very clear:

  • Introduce innovative thinking and breakthrough ideas while addressing customer product needs in a way that creates a competitive advantage for our customers.
  • To design the loose diamonds, tools and or instruments required for our customers at the highest levels of precision and quality.
  • To combine “outside the box thinking” with the use of custom made diamonds and alternative geometries in order to address product functional requirements from new dimensions.
  • To maintain constant improvements of in-house technologies, production efficiency and precision standards for the benefit of our customers’ competitive edge.
  • The experience of our staff in diverse markets and multidisciplinary technologies, are proven assets for all of our customers.With respect to intellectual property we are open to invest in both our knowledge and enlarge our portfolio with new products or applications.

With respect to intellectual property we are open to invest in both our knowledge and enlarge our portfolio with new products or applications.

DD Assemblies

  • Developing & Engineering complete solutions

DD is specialized in developing high-precision diamond instruments, modules, and components for the high-tech industry based on your requirements. These developments mostly have requirements for which the diamond and mechanical competences of DD are beneficial. With our competences in product development and supply chain management we provide you a high-quality product over the complete product lifetime.

  • Component Manufacturing

With close partners specialized in their field of industry we cover the customer’s total requirements. Component manufacturing is a key asset of DD that is crucial to delivering products to the high-tech industry, in which a high degree of flexibility is required.

  • Mounting competences

Besides the processing of unique shapes in diamond we use in-house developed mounting techniques such as brazing, micro welding, bonding and clamping. In climatized and dust free rooms our team mounts the parts together. We are able to mount diamonds into different kind of materials, such as tungsten carbide, stainless steel and ceramics. The final QC department will check if the assembly meets the requirements, take care for the final reports and ensure that the customers will receive a turn-key solution.

Our proposition:

  • You deliver the requirements
  • We jointly create the product specification
  • We develop and build the prototype
  • We prepare for volume production
  • We manufacture your product or module

Your benefits:

  • A symbiotic relationship with indirect access to our knowledge
  • Sharing ideas together on future requirements
  • Saving time and money involved in the development and production processes
  • New opportunities for a better competitive position
  • Risk and load sharing


This way you focus your development on your core technology so you don’t have to spend valuable resources and materials on developing non-core modules but leave them to us.

Loek van den Boom

Loek van den Boom

Development engineer +31 485 321060


As manager of the engineering team, you can contact me directly with questions about possibilities, new projects, etc.